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eor() -- compute the bitwise exclusive or of its two arguments

print eor(a,b)

The eor-function takes two arguments and computes their bitwise exclusive or. See your favorite introductory text on informatics for an explanation of this function.
The xor-function is the same as the eor function; both are synonymous; however they have each their own description, so you may check out the entry of xor for a slightly different view.

for a=0 to 3 
	for b=0 to 3 
		print fill$(bin$(a))," eor ",fill$(bin$(b))," = ",fill$(bin$(eor(a,b))) 
	next b 
next a 

sub fill$(a$) 
	return right$("0"+a$,2) 
end sub 

This example prints a table, from which you may figure, how the eor-function is computed.

Related: and, or