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shl()  shift its argument bitwise to the left

print shl(0b11001,8)

The shl-function (shl stands for shift left) treats its first argument as a binary number and shifts it to the left as specified by its second argument, filling up the gaps with zeroes. So bin$(shl(0b11011,4)) returns 110110000 (the example uses bin$ and a number with base 2).

Please note: as the argument of the function is converted to a 32-bit integer, all results are also confined to this range.

print "Some powers of two:"
for i=0 to 5
  print shl(1,i)
next i
This will print the powers of two from 1 to 32, because the left-shift operation is equivalent to a multiplication with two.

Related: and, or, bitnot, shr