on goto -- jump to one of many goto-targets
on a goto foo,bar,baz
label foo
label bar
label baz
The on goto statement uses its numeric argument (the one between on and goto to select an element from the list of labels, which follows after the goto-keyword: If the number is 1, the execution continues at the first label; if the number is 2, at the second, and so on. if the number is zero or less, the program continues at the position of the first label; if the number is larger than the total count of labels, the execution continues at the position of the last label; i.e. the first and last label in the list constitute some kind of fallback-slot.
Note, that (unlike the goto-command) the on goto-command can no longer be considered state of the art; people may (not me!) even start to mock you, if you use it.
label over
print "Please Select one of these choices: "
print " 1 -- show time"
print " 2 -- show date"
print " 3 -- exit"
input "Your choice " a
on a goto over,show_time,show_date,terminate,over
label show_time
print time$()
goto over
label show_date
print date$()
goto over
label terminate
Note, how invalid input (a number less than 1, or larger than 3) is automatically detected; in such a case the question is simply issued again.
Related: goto, on gosub