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draw bitmap -- Draw a bitmap on a view, another bitmap or a canvas.

DRAW BITMAP x,y, Bitmap$, Mode$, View$
DRAW BITMAP x1,y1 TO x2,y2, Bitmap$, Mode$, View$


DRAW BITMAP x,y, Bitmap$, Mode$, View$
Draw a bitmap on a view, another bitmap or a canvas.

Possible Mode$:

"Copy" -- copy the bitmap to the target ignoring transparency
"Alpha" -- copy the bitmap to the target supporting transparency

DRAW BITMAP x1,y1 TO x2,y2, Bitmap$, Mode$, View$
Draws and scales the bitmap Bitmap$.
If x2 is set to -1, the width is scaled according to the height;
if y2 is set to -1, the height is scaled according to the width;
if x2 and y2 are set to -1, the image is not scaled at all. 

Possible Mode$:

"Copy" -- copy the bitmap to the target ignoring transparency
"Alpha" -- copy the bitmap to the target supporting transparency
