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Escape-sequences Nevertheless you won't use chr$() as often as you might think, because the most important nonprintable characters can be constructed using escape-sequences with the \-character: You might use \n instead of chr$(10) wherever you want to use the newline-character. Finally escape sequences of the form \xHEX allow to encode arbitrary characters: E.g. \x012 returns the character chr$(18). Note that \x requires a hexadecimal number; and hexadecimal 12 is the same as decimal 18. The following table lists all escape sequences of yabasic (of course, these are just the sequences known within the C-language):   Escape-sequence Resulting Char newline \n tabulator \t vertical tabulator \v backspace \b carriage return \r formfeed \f alert \a backslash \\ single quote \' double quote \" These escape sequences are replaced within every pair of doublequotes (""), i.e. within literal strings; user input read with the input-statement is not affected in any way. Finally note, that escape sequences have a profound impact, when specifying Window-pathnames.   Here is another example which introduces the rest of yabasic's string-functions: label again  print "Please enter a string containing the word \"yabasic\"" input a$ if (instr(lower$(a$),"yabasic")<>0) then gosub thanx else print "No, please try again !" endif goto loop label thanx print "Thanks a lot !" return If you run this program you will receive the following output: Please enter a string containing the word "yabasic" ?thequickbrownfox No, please try again ! Please enter a string containing the word "yabasic" ?jumpedyabasicoverthelazydog Thanx.