return -- return from a subroutine or a gosub
gosub foo
label foo
sub bar(baz)
return quertz
end sub
The return-statement serves two different (albeit somewhat related) purposes. The probably more important use of return is to return control from within a subroutine to the place in your program, where the subroutine has been called. If the subroutine is declared to return a value, the return-statement might be accompanied by a string or number, which constitutes the return value of the subroutine.
However, even if the subroutine should return a value, the return-statement need not carry a value; in that case the subroutine will return 0 or the empty string (depending on the type of the subroutine). Moreover, feel free to place multiple return-statements within your subroutine; it's a nice way of controlling the flow of execution.
The second (but historcially first) use of return is to return to the position, where a prior gosub has left off. In that case return may not carry a value.
read a$
if (a$="") then
print mark$(a$)," "
data "The","quick","brown","fox","jumped"
data "over","the","lazy","dog",""
sub mark$(a$)
if (instr(lower$(a$),"q")) return upper$(a$)
return a$
end sub
This example features a subroutine mark$, that returns its argument in upper case, if it contains the letter "q", or unchanged otherwise. In the test-text the word quick will end up beeing marked as QUICK.
The example above demonstrates return within subroutines; please see gosub for an example of how to use return in this context.
Related: sub, gosub