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execute$() -- execute a user defined subroutine, which must return a string

print execute$("foo$","arg1","arg2")

execute$ can be used to execute a user defined subroutine, whose name may be specified as a string expression.
This feature is the only way to execute a subroutine, whose name is not known by the time you write your program. This might happen, if you want to execute a subroutine, which is compiled (using the compile command) during the course of execution of your program.
Note however, that the execute$-function is not the preferred method to execute a user defined subroutine; almost all cases you should just execute a subroutine by writing down its name within your yab program (see the example).

print execute$("foo$","Hello","world!") 
sub foo$(a$,b$) 
	return a$+" "+b$ 
end sub 

The example simply prints Hello world!, which is the return value of the user defined subroutine foo$. The same could be achieved by executing:

print foo$(a$,b$) 

Related: compile, execute